Block of Maroc BOM


We are excited for another year of piecing with Jen Kingwell and her new Block of the Month, Block of Maroc!

Finished Quilt Size: 73" x 86"

We will be offering Jen's original colourway, Roam Morocco. The kits will be shop-curated, fabrics will differ from the fabric in Jen's quilt, but the overall aesthetic will remain the same.

Each month you will receive printed instructions, templates, and fabric.

As a participant, you will receive FREE access to Jen's online piecing and appliqué classes for the duration of the program along with monthly hints & tips videos to help piece each block via the group's Facebook page!

The program will run for 12 consecutive months, shipping the 10th of the month, starting July 10th (permitting no customs delays).

Anticipated start date: July 2024

Pricing is per month, $55 per month plus shipping (calculated at checkout). To save on shipping, if you would like us to ship the program to you quarterly, we have an options to do so. You will still be billed monthly.

You will be paying for your first month upfront (instead of a sign up fee), the next charge will occur in August 2024.

By registering for Block of Maroc, you agree that BOM's are a commitment between the consumer and vendor; therefore cancellations will not be accepted as this is a full 12-month program. Product returns are not accepted for any BOM. 
