An Evening with Jen Kingwell


Tuesday, June 11th

7-9pm - Doors open at 6:15pm

Grey Eagle Resort - Hotel main entrance - Robe & Crow Flag rooms

Door prizes, Coffee, Tea & Snacks

Witness the evolution of Jen's creativity, spanning from her early inspirations to her latest unique and vibrant quilt designs. 

Attendees are treated to firsthand accounts of the inspirations behind each design, the challenges overcome, and the joy found in the process of creating these stunning works of art.

Jen's passion for quilting comes to life as she weaves stories and anecdotes into her presentation, providing a personal and intimate connection to her craft.

Whether you're a seasoned quilter seeking inspiration or a newcomer to the world of quilting, Jen Kingwell's Trunk Show promises an enriching experience. It's a celebration of creativity, craftsmanship ,and the vibrant tapestry of stories that make each quilt a unique expression of her art.

To conclude the Trunk Show, Jen opens the floor to a question-and-answer session. With warmth and enthusiasm, she invites the audience to inquire about her techniques, design philosophy, or any curiosities they may have about her quilting journey. This interactive segment offers attendees a chance to engage directly with the artist, fostering a sense of community and shared passion for the art of quilting.

**Please note: The email confirmation is your ticket for the event.

You can either print out your email or even the email available on your phone will work as well! We'll catch your name at the door.
