Tip Tuesday + Picks
HelOOH Friends,
Happy Tuesday OOH friends!
You can follow more of our conversations via our Instagram and our Facebook! Find us on YouTube weekly and see what we’re up to!
Jamie & the OOH Team
Tip Tuesday:
We are getting a feeling that the comments might get heated! What do you think? Did we pick correctly, or did we miss the mark?!
You can view our conversation on our Instagram.

Edith’s Zelda Quilt
This week we are showcasing OOH’s Edith’s latest make - The Zelda Quilt sample from Kitchen Table Quilting. In preparation for her upcoming Zelda Quilt class in the studio, Edith picked out her favourites from the latest collection, Ravel, by e bond and made this stunning sample to share.
Edith had her eye on this collection from the moment it came in the door, loving the artistic colours and contemporary components. The quilt itself was a fun make, she loved watching all the pieces fall together!
The Zelda Quilt Pattern by Kitchen Table Quilting / Ravel by e bond Fabric Collection