Tip Tuesday + Picks

Tip Tuesday - March 5, 2024 - More Quilt Blocks Everyone Should Know

HelOOH Friends,

Happy Tuesday OOH friends!

You can follow more of our conversations via our Instagram and our Facebook! Find us on YouTube weekly and see what we’re up to!


Jamie & the OOH Team

Tip Tuesday:

We could let this Tip Tuesday roll by without sharing the top four blocks mentioned in our Tips from last week! What’s your go-to quilt block?

You can view our conversation on our Instagram.

Tip Tuesday - March 5, 2024 - Bear Paw quilt block
Tip Tuesday - March 5, 2024 - Drunkards Path quilt block
Tip Tuesday - March 5, 2024 - Churn Dash quilt block
Tip Tuesday - March 5, 2024 - Nine Patch quilt block

Rosalyn’s Tinsel

Staff Pick - Rosalyn's Tinsel BOM

Meet Rosalyn’s current WIP, and our staff pick of the week!

Rosalyn is diving headfirst into the world of stitching with her Tinsel BOM adventures! She's fearlessly stepping outside her comfort zone, embracing the challenge of tackling a Sue Spargo project. With each stitch, she's mastering new skills and techniques, turning her scrap fabric into works of art!

Rosalyn's secret? She's all about practice and perseverance. Before committing to her project, she hones her skills on scraps, watching YouTube videos to perfect each stitch.

Ever wanted to dabble in a new craft or want to embroider with wool and test out different thread weights? Explore Sue Spargo’s collection at OOH - lots of materials and projects for you to try out!

Check out our Sue Spargo Collection

Staff Pick - Rosalyn's Tinsel BOM
Staff Pick - Rosalyn's Tinsel BOM

Jamie Trinier