Rubies, Diamonds and Garnets, Too ...Book by Bernadette Kent


The breathtaking sparkle of diamonds and the deep, dramatic reds of rubies and garnets have bewitched us for centuries. They conjure visions of luxury, wealth and beauty. Through time, we've used them as tokens of our love and esteem for those we cherish.

Translate those same jewel tones into fabric and you have the makings for an electrifying quilt that, much like a perfect gem, will be handed down for generations.

The quilt was used as The Kansas City Star's Block-of-the-Month program and highlights 13 block designs. A second version uses the same patterns but gives you the opportunity to make a much larger quilt by adding two more large blocks and 12 smaller blocks.

by Bernadette Kent
Kansas City Star Quilts + C&T Publishing
Format Description: softcover
Pages: 112
