Tip Tuesday + Picks

HelOOH Friends!
Happy Tuesday - It’s Tips + Picks time! Got questions? Suggestions? Anything you'd like to know more about? Feel free to reach out to us
You can always find us on YouTube, or check out our Facebook or Instagram feeds and see what we’re up to!
Jamie & the OOH Team
Happy Tip Tuesday!
This week we're spilling the tea on quilts! We'll be discussing four different types of quilts and their pros and cons. What’s your go-to quilt type - medallion, single block, scrappy, or sampler?

Patti’s Staff Pick

Patti is thinking about returning to the apparel game, and she's already set her sights on our latest arrival!
Our digitally printed linen and jacquard silks have her feeling inspired to create beautiful tops. Unfortunately, she didn't have enough time to whip up a flowy top with the new fabric before her adventure in Prague, but something tells us she's having a good time regardless.
Just think of all the amazing apparel pieces she can make when she returns! Who else is feeling inspired to create something beautiful with these new fabrics??