Tip Tuesday - August 1, 2023 - 6 Places to donate quilts & textiles

HelOOH Friends!

Happy Tuesday - It’s Tips + Picks time! Got questions? Tips? Anything you'd like to know more about? Feel free to reach out to us

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Jamie & the OOH Team

Happy Tip Tuesday!

A question that frequently pops up at the shop is where to donate quilts or unused textiles. We've compiled a list of 6 incredible places that allow you to spread the joy of quilts and textiles to those in need.

You can follow more of our conversation via our Instagram - join in! We encourage you to join in and make a difference too! Share your knowledge and experiences by mentioning/tagging any other places you know that accept quilt and textile donations. Together, we can continue to spread the warmth and joy to those who need it most.

Support SonShine

Tip Tuesday - August 1, 2023 - 6 Places to donate quilts & textiles - Sonshine House

Support Ujamaa Grandmas

Tip Tuesday - August 1, 2023 - 6 Places to donate quilts & textiles - Ujamaa Grandmas


Support Quilts for Everyday Heroes

Tip Tuesday - August 1, 2023 - 6 Places to donate quilts & textiles - Quilts for Everyday Heroes


Support Blankets of Love

Tip Tuesday - August 1, 2023 - 6 Places to donate quilts & textiles - Blankets of Love

Support Ronald McDonald House

Tip Tuesday - August 1, 2023 - 6 Places to donate quilts & textiles - Ronald McDonald House


Support the Textile Museum of Canada

Tip Tuesday - August 1, 2023 - 6 Places to donate quilts & textiles - Textile Museum of Canada

Patti’s Staff Pick

Staff Pick - August 1, 2023 - Patti + Inspirations Magazine Issue #119

Staff Pick - *Meet the Staff Edition*

Get ready to be inspired! This week, we're giving you an exclusive sneak peek into Patti's exciting plans for her next project, and show off new skills Patti hopes to learn from it. From the latest issue of Inspirations Magazine - Issue 119, she'll be diving into the world of Summerberry by Taetia McEwen!

A summer garland in soft, shimmering shades of silk, beads, sequins, and metallic mesh ribbon awaits her creative touch. Patti, our resident green thumb, couldn't be more thrilled about this floral detailed masterpiece. Her eyes light up with enthusiasm as she considers working with new mediums and top-notch brands like Kacoonda, mesh ribbon, and braided metallic Painters Thread.

The detailed work of this project is stunning and you can see why Patti is excited about it! Check it out in person and pick up the latest issue of Inspirations and get inspired!

Shop Inspirations #119Shop Embellishment Threads

Staff Pick - August 1, 2023 - Patti + Inspirations Magazine Issue #119


Staff Pick - August 1, 2023 - Patti + Inspirations Magazine Issue #119
Staff Pick - August 1, 2023 - Patti + Inspirations Magazine Issue #119